Two phones – Near Field Communication

DonorTap believes nothing should stand between donors and the causes they care about. No cash? No problem. Accepting touchless cards and mobile payment methods means more funds get to more causes. DonorTap is the fastest fundraising platform in the industry, giving teams the tools to accept in-person donations and easiy keep track of campaign goals.

Making generosity easy.

DonorTap logo

Our first task was to create a name for the company that was crystal-clear about the benefit and ease of use.  NFC (near-field communication) payments will become hugely beneficial to non-profits, enabling staff to take donations anywhere, at any time. For donors, all it takes is a tap!

The visual identity is an abstraction of the phone-to-phone or card-to-phone transaction. The DonorTap color palette is a unique and vibrant expression of the joy that comes from being generous. For the project, our services included naming, visual identity design, UI design and website development. 

DonorTap logo
Animated gif – Two phones tapping to pay

Photo Credits:
Annie Spratt
Seth Doyle
John Onaeko
Elijah Ekdahl
Sanjoy Sadhukhan
Josue Escoto

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