Historical images of Cross County Bank
Cross Bank logo
Historical image of Cross County Bank

A new chapter in a 131-year-old story. 

In 1891, a group of business leaders in northeast Arkansas started a bank to meet the financial needs of their community, and it’s been doing just that every day since then. The bank has expanded into multiple markets, and developed many of the branding and awareness headaches that come along with that growth – like multiple brand names.

Stature worked with the bank’s leadership on a strategy to re-unify the bank under a common name, bringing clarity to customers and a sense of family back to employees.

Cross County Bank and First Commercial Bank logos
Cross Bank logo
Boy walking down dusty road

What does it mean to be a true community bank? It means knowing the folks you’re serving, understanding their goals and offering advice when asked. We developed a tagline that would inspire Cross Bank team members to listen well, show empathy and be there when their customers need them. 

Because every journey matters tagline
Cross Bank brochure
Cross Bank website
Cross Bank website
new Cross Bank logos
Cross Bank logo
Cross Bank historical building
Cross Bank envelope
Noble farmer standing in field
Cross Bank mobile website
Cross Bank CEO David Dowd

It’s a big deal to rebrand a bank that has proudly carried the same name for 131 years. But Stature made it a very enjoyable and exciting process, and I am so proud of the outcome. It has been an incredible journey!”


Cross Bank employees
Cross Bank interior bank branch
Locally owned and operated since before any of you were born

Photo Credits

Brent Walker Films
Andy Holmes
Kristopher Roller
Kae Anderson
Jed Villejo
Priscilla Dupreez


Nova Bank


Entrada Camps & Conservation